How much toilet paper do you need to last through the quarantine?

 How much toilet paper do you need to last through the quarantine

Quarantine is defined due to CDC as separation and restriction of movement of people who have potentially been exposed to a contagious disease to ascertain if they become unwell. It had proved to be an effective way to control contagious diseases through history, starting from leprosy outbreak in 1127 in Venice, Italy and ending with current global COVID-19.
Despite being effective, quarantine had shown a serious psychological impact on human behavior and this is the main objective discussed in this article. 
The most common psychological symptoms are generally such as emotional disturbance, depression, low mood, irritability, insomnia, post-traumatic stress, nervousness, confusion, grief, and even guilt, in some cases suicide, has been reported.

All these symptoms can be explained by "stressors" of quarantine and these stressors are the following:

Duration of quarantine:

Long quarantine durations are accompanied by poor mental health symptoms, especially post-traumatic stress symptoms, avoidance behaviors and anger.

Frustration and boredom:

Due to loss of daily routine, social activities and physical contact with others so, people feel isolated.

 Inadequate supplies:

Running out of basic life needs such as food, water, and clothes is a source of frustration, anger and anxiety, so people tend to buy irrationally more and more. A weird accident happened during COVID-19 were two women in Sydney was arguing over a package of toilet paper! Angel soft and quilted northern, toilet paper brands, increased their production by 20%, the thing which inspired an artist and a web developer to design a website called " How Much Toilet" to calculate the the time you may survive with the amount of toilet paper you have. Although it was a joke, an interesting finding was seen that most of the web visitors had 5 times toilet paper more than they really needed. Having inadequate medical care also plays a role in worry and fear.


People whose income mainly need them to leave home for work are greatly affected in quarantine as they nearly lose their income source, this leads to socioeconomic distress and was found to be a risk factor for symptoms of psychological disorders besides both anger and anxiety.

Even if they have financial assistance because they fear that the given assistance doesn't cover their expenses or delays and most of them become dependent on their family's financial support which is not always accepted and causes conflict.


Quarantined people and especially health care providers may suffer from stigmatization and avoidance from their neighborhood, exception from social invitations, treating them with fear and suspicion and making critical comments. In Sharkia, Egypt people refused to bury a physician who had died while giving medical care to quarantined patients with COVID-19.

The urgent question is how to limit the psychological impact ofquarantin?
So let's answer it.
 Keep it short: to decrease the impact of quarantine as much as possible by stating a period that deals with incubation periods.

Decrease boredom: 

by supporting working from home which will also improve income and virtual activities like online courses.
An interesting phenomenon appeared in Egypt its kites, people all over the country are flying kites and I can see about seven kites from my balcony now while typing this article.

Give adequate information: 

to overcome the unnecessary fears by giving as much information as possible about physical symptoms and mode of transmission and for sure the reason why they are quarantined.

Improve communication: 

social media plays a very important role as it enables people to get closer to their loved ones and decrease the feeling of isolation, stress, and panic. Making a special phone line by a trusted authority like the ministry of health to answer people and reassure them about different symptoms and giving them psychiatric support will have a the great effect so, the availability of internet access is a must.

Give special attention to health care providers:

besides suffering from ordinary stressors, health care providers suffer from more stigmatization, infection of family members and working with different staff and feel more isolated, so they deserve more support from their managers and colleagues in addition to attention from their organizations and providing essential needs to protect themselves.
Quarantine is mandatory, but the risk-benefit ratio must always be in front of eyes to exceed this period with the least loss in mental health.


-Brooks SK, Webster RK, Smith LE, et al. The psychological impact of quarantine

and how to reduce it: a rapid review of the evidence. Lancet.

2020;395(10227):912-920. DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30460-8









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